Our therapists provide online speech therapy, motor therapy, behavioral and mental health services and family support.
Read MoreOur psychologists provide online psychoeducation evaluations and streamlining the identification processes for special education and continued eligibility.
Read MoreOur therapists provide early intervention / infant services that include speech, occupation and behavior therapy.
Read MoreWe are experts in providing excellent speech language therapy and we have lot of success stories to share. Our therapists cover various areas such as articulation, phonology, fluency, voice and pragmatics.
Read MoreOur therapists treat fine motor skills, handwriting, visual motor skills, sensory integration/dysfunction, school related self-care tasks using teletherapy activities. We are able to notice lot of improvements with our clients
Read MoreOur Therapists provide your students pre-referral behavior intreventions, mental-health services, and psycoeducational assessments online.
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